Social Investment and Community Development

A major feature of the 21st century is the emergence of a global consciousness of a shared world. As a result, interventions by corporate entities in their operational environment through community driven services has become imperative. Business entities fulfilling this social mission are not just seen as being socially responsible, but are increasingly being seen as making a social investment. A major feature of the 21st century is the emergence of a global consciousness of a shared world. As a result, interventions by corporate entities in their operational environment through community driven services has become imperative. Business entities fulfilling this social mission are not just seen as being socially responsible, but are increasingly being seen as making a social investment. However, these social interventions as with any business initiative need to be logically constructed and strategic in approach and outlook. It is imperative to put in place a strategic framework that takes into account current proven trends and systems in corporate community engagement which integrate professionalism and sustainability. In order to achieve this, many corporate organisations are turning to development organisations to support them in performing their corporate social responsibility.


To facilitate partnerships for the implementation of sustainable developmental initiatives that will generate inflows of about N50,000,000 (Fifty Million Naira Only) during the year 2017.


The objectives of the plan are to:

  • Create a mechanism for the delivery of a clear Social Investment for Oil and Gas companies  in the communities where they operate;
  • Provide a framework for intervention by stakeholders in an orderly manner, in order to achieve the objectives of increased income, increased productivity and ensure socio-economic welfare;
  • Guide the implementation of development programmes and projects in order to maximise benefit to all groups in the communities;
  • Provide information on development opportunities for stakeholders; and
  • Facilitate community engagement, participation and ownership in all aspects.

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Accord for Community Development is a frontline development institution based in Nigeria.

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